Well now that this blog thing seems to be sticking I thought it was appropriate to better introduce our various children. Starting with our eldest. This is my son Gabriel, he is 9. I have 2 children, both of whom I love fiercely. I have heard parents of multiple children say they love them all the same. Honestly I don't understand how. Each of my children represent a different part of my life so while I love them both immensely I love them differently. Gabriel was conceived and born in an extremely tumult time in my life. My mother and I had had a falling out. I was required to leave her home and find one of my own. I didn't graduate high school. So here I was lonely and seemingly with no future. So I decided to date a person who was completely wrong for me, just because he was kind to me. I had never really had a boy friend so I fell hard for this guy. Before you know it i was pregnant at the tender age of 18. Everyone who knew me was disappointed. I however was excited! I was going to have a baby! Even though it wasn't a well thought out plan. The pregnancy was what I wanted. I would have a beautiful little baby who would love me no matter what! At this time in my life love was desperately what I needed. My supposed "boyfriend" didn't really love me. I felt my family, who I know now will always love me, were too disappointed in how my life was going to love me. I didn't really have any one else. People have called my son a mistake or accident of which I take high offense too. He is neither. I knew exactly what I was doing. I had been taught that unprotected sex could cause pregnancy. Gabriel has always been wanted. At the time I didn't exactly know what I was doing, but I always wanted him. He is my savior. He saved me from myself. Without my son who knows where or who I would be. He made me responsible. I went back and graduated high school. I got a better job. I made effort to mend my relationship with my mother. Everything I have good in life I have because of him. I met my husband because of him. My life has been constantly enriched by him. He is a goofy, precious child. He loves to build his legos,play video games and watch tv. Everyday that I get to wake up and see his goofy smile and big beautiful green eyes I am a very lucky mommy!
So sorry for the hold up Jenn. She's had her part of the blog ready for two days now and I'm barely getting a moment to where I can sit down and collect my thoughts long enough to write. HAHA!
So let me see... My wonderful son Colin
When I had Colin I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I had absolutely no idea the impact this little man would bring to my world. I was young and naive, not realizing what a full time job this would be thinking it'd be easier than getting up and going to work everyday. Boy was I wrong! So when I was about 4 months pregnant my husband deployed to Iraq, leaving me with the thought of not only having to go through the labor and delivery without him but raising him on my own for the first two months by myself. I do have to say that was not easy but it did make me realize that I'm a lot stronger than I ever imagined I could be. Colin has changed my world so much and shown me what a wonderful person I am too. Through him I see the world differently. It's really refreshing to have children, it shows you what really is important in life. I do love all three of my children equally but differently. Colin is absolutely amazing and smart, he makes me laugh at the things he says and does. Everyday with him is a new adventure and it never gets old (except for the attitude and whining). Ha ha ha. He is so energetic and full of life, he loves to dance and read books. Go to the park or walk on the pier and look at the boats, surfers, and dolphins. He lights up my world with one smile, and I can't say that I would know real love without Colin. He was all I had while his dad was away and I still feel that strong bond with him now. My only hope for Colin is that he grows up to be everything he could ever want to be. I love you Colin!
Oh, I forgot to tell you he's 3 hahaha Gabriel and Colin have the same birthday. September 5